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Camino Day 4 & 5

Castelo do Neiva to Carreço and Carreço to Seixas. Both 22km stages.

As I've gotten farther from Porto the towns have gotten smaller and more of the route had consisted of forest paths and walled alleys, typically routing into town whenever there's a Big Old Church to get a stamp at

The past two days I've been traveling with other solo women that I met on the road, one from the UK and the other from Lithuania, both friendly and enthusiastic. B, who I spent both days with, was excited to learn it was my birthday and told everyone we ran into at the hostel (something I wouldn't have done myself). A big group of us went out for dinner and everyone sang happy birthday in their native language.

I've enjoyed the sense of community among the pilgrims; the one thing everyone has in common is that we're all on a Big Adventure.