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Maybe you're not supposed to say this in public, but I feel like if Islamist terrorists were serious they'd also threaten people with death for depicting Jesus.
in reply to Daniel Filan

Aside from the practical matter that they'd have to threaten way more people way more of the time, do they both have similar support in scripture?
in reply to Rick Korzekwa

The general vibe is that you're not supposed to depict any prophet, altho this isn't in the Quran, and the foundation in the hadith is questionable.…
in reply to Daniel Filan

I think the different response is related to different inferences about the intent of the artist. That is, they know that Christians like to depict Jesus as part of their religion, and this doesn't bug them to much. But they think that the only reason to depict Muhammad is to insult their religion, so they take it as a deliberate insult.
in reply to Guive

Sure but it communicates that the thing they care about is being insulted, rather than ensuring that people follow God's commandments. Which is sort of a weak and embarrassing stance.
in reply to Daniel Filan

(1) There's some truth to this. Violent islamists are on average, worse than most people in various ways.

(2) But also, they may see it more as a direct insult to God as opposed to an insult to them personally or their human social group. Compare their stance towards practicing Christians and Muslim apostates. Both groups go to hell, on the conventional conservative Muslim understanding. But they are much more bothered by apostates.

in reply to Daniel Filan

I agree that terrorists are in some sense not serious and tbh I think it's for the best

or rather, second best, behind "not being terrorists"