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Hosting providers

Right now is hosted on a Vultr VPS instance. I use Vultr because it's a decently reliable VPS host that offers OpenBSD (though this instance is running in Docker on a Debian system). Much cheaper than AWS; comparable pricing and features with many other VPS providers.

But I just went looking at the prices of competitors, and Hetzner is cheap. How is it so cheap? For roughly the same price I'm paying for this host, I could get ~8x the vCPUs and RAM, and 4x the storage.

It would be a hassle to migrate at this point, but I'm definitely tempted.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Everything I've heard about Hetzner has been great. It seems like their strategy is to build their own servers and seriously compete on price. My guess is that they'll eventually raise prices, but probably still be cheaper than average.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Some things to be aware of regarding Hetzner:
1. It's *even more* cost-competitive if you participate in their dutch-style server-capacity auction (a neat idea):
- There is also open-source tooling to automate interaction with the auction.
2. Have no illusions that such infrastructure is physically secure against interference (fun example at:…), and account for such in your threat model if/as appropriate.