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Have been flossing for a week after a dentist appointment put the fear of God into me and damn, that shit is still bloody and painful. Hope it doesn't persist too long I guess?

Googling this, people say it subsides in a week, but I feel like the fundamental problem is that it's hard to get the floss into the cracks between the teeth, meaning that when they do get in it's with high speed.

Actually googling just now apparently the thing I am doing is a flossing mistake? I don't know how successful their proposed alternative is tho...

in reply to Daniel Filan

I have found that some brands/styles of floss feel comfier than others, you could experiment with some different types?
in reply to Daniel Filan

I got trapped in a cycle of it hurting every time I flossed, so I didn't want to floss again until the pain went away, so I never got back to flossing regularly. Eventually I gave up on strong floss and bought little brushes that are like toothpicks with bristles. I don't have any external evidence on how well they work, but they get between my teeth without hurting 🤷‍♀️