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Man, I miss my huge-tree-antenna. Yesterday I set up a big loop antenna along my house's wall. It transmits fine, but the noise it picks up makes it almost useless.
in reply to Gretta Duleba

Mainly need to wait until my landlord is satisfied that the tree and its branches aren't going to fall on the house (and thus that no arborists are going to need to inspect or trim it); he's said he's working on this but I have no idea how long it will take. The tree is big enough that it's not trivial to even see it properly without a drone.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Is this a problem that can be solved with money, like by just going ahead and getting an arborist preemptively?
in reply to Gretta Duleba

It definitely can't be solved with only money; it also requires at least coordinating with the landlord, who is a very reasonable person as far as Berkeley rationalist house landlords seem to go, but overall my guess is that it's not worth bothering him about it
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

I am probably being too problem-solvey right now and I hereby to resolve to stop after this round, but in my experience, arborists are willing to produce documentation of their findings that can later be shown to landlords!

You just sound sad about your antenna and I wanna fix it.