Today's mild curiosity: My used antenna textbook came with a UK train pass from 2003. I'm always really curious about the story behind objects like this. It was evidently being used as a bookmark, nearly halfway through the textbook, so I'd guess it was a student? I'm not sure if the endpoints on this pass mean that they have a connection to one or the other, or if these are just some standard endpoints for this type of pass.
Ben Millwood
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •oh wow, I used to travel to and from secondary school with a travelcard like this (I think a monthly one?), unfortunately I have sketchy memories of the details.
Travel zones 1-6 are in London and Leighton Buzzard is not, so my best guess is that this travelcard allowed you to go from Leighton Buzzard into and around London and back. I'm neither sure what R means before the zone, nor why zones 3 and 4 aren't mentioned (the zones are ~concentric rings, so I somewhat unconfidently think you could only get contiguous ranges, but maybe 1256 is a shorthand for all of them? idk)
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Amber Dawn
in reply to Ben Millwood • •Maybe you can start in Zone 1/2 and stop in Zone 5/6 or vice versa, but you cannot get off in Zones 3/4?
This made more sense when I thought that Zones 3/4 would be the central ones but obviously no, 1 is central and 6 is furthest out, so ???
Do you get some tax or some premium for living very-far-out from the centre as opposed to kinda far out?
Ben Millwood
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