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I feel like the "introvert/extravert" axis bundles (at least) 3 things together in a kind of unhelpful way:
- low vs high need to socialize
- low vs high gregariousness
- low vs high desire to talk to people you don't know

These are sort of related, but I feel like usually when I hear people talk about extraversion or introversion they would usually be better served by appealing to a sub-factor rather than the bundle.

in reply to Daniel Filan

I wonder if personality psychologists ever decompose extroversion into these things, in the same way that IQ has various subcomponents.
in reply to Daniel Filan

Yeah, this seems true. How do you define 'gregarious' separately from the other things?

Other dimensions could be related to social anxiety, awkwardness, and/or masking. A lot of the time when I "don't want to talk to people" or it drains my energy to do so, it's because I feel uncomfortable in the situation, rather than because there's something I inherently dislike/find tiring about talking to people.

in reply to Amber Dawn

@Amber Dawn by "gregarious" I'm trying to say something like "tendency to socialize / talk a lot / more than you 'need to'". So "feel bad if you don't socialize" vs "feel good if you socialize a lot".