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in reply to kip

I think the whole "where is the boundary between 'mental health' and regular psychology" question is very relevant here.

Conservatives tend to want to see behavioral problems as the result of "bad people", and solve them with traditional methods, e.g. punishment; progressives tend to want to see the same problems as the result of mental health issues, and to solve them with therapy / psychiatry (at least, when the behavior isn't associated with rich white men).

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

The gun violence thing is a bit of a weird case, since republicans are on team "guns aren't the problem", so they have to point to other things that are the problem. Traditionally this might have been things like "law enforcement is handicapped; punishments aren't severe enough, ..."; but when those aren't as popular they reach for the mental health thing as a different scapegoat.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

(tbc this is all about the last tangential question and not the meat of your post; also it's all maybe kind of obvious and doesn't really answer your question; whoops)