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Types of breaks

Sometimes when I'm stuck at a work task, I take a break by standing up and walking away (to go get food or go on a walk or something). Often, this produces a sudden helpful insight after I have taken a few steps.

Some other times, I take a break by staying where I am, changing tabs, and opening social media. This approximately never produces a sudden helpful insight.

I suppose this is a reason to take more breaks physically separated from my work space.

in reply to Daniel Filan

One theory for this (mentioned in Your Brain at Work) is that when you've been working on a task for a long time, you tend to have a lot of blood flow in one part of your brain, and walking/doing something else gets you to reset, spreading it across. Then you're more likely to use a mental process that you didn't before.

I find the specific mechanic sketchy, but as a metaphor it works reasonably well: I definitely have different types of thoughts when on a walk or taking a shower than I do while at the computer, and these thoughts are usually at a higher level of abstraction and less specific/detailed.