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Recently I've had some physical issues that have kept me from being physically active (not that I'm usually very active, but this has been even worse than normal):

  • About a month ago I learned I have a hernia after doing some wood-chopping (which is really fun btw), and I've been having an upsettingly difficult time setting up an appointment for surgery to fix it
  • A week after that, I broke my pinky toe by accidentally kicking a staircase in the dark

The hernia has kept me from feeling good about doing any kind of weightlifting, and the broken toe has made it hard to walk more than a few blocks. This kinda sucks and I'm not sure what to do about it.

Maybe I should be cycling more? Anyone have other ideas?

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

When I broke my toe, I was able to cycle on it like normal. It helps if you have cycling shoes, because they have very stiff soles so there's no risk of flexing things in your foot you're trying to keep stationary.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

@Rick Korzekwa would know better than me but I would have assumed that cycling would use some abs for pulling your legs up, the same way jumping does?
in reply to Daniel Filan

Yeah, it will depend on the style of bike and how it fits you. Most bikes people use for things other than racing can probably be adjusted to keep you relatively upright so you don't need to use your core as much.