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The plan for the beta

Thanks to everyone who's joined to help beta test! I'm very grateful y'all are here! ❤️

My basic plan is to use for the next week, posting here instead of Facebook, getting a sense of the platform so that I can help other people later, and trying to iron out basic issues if they crop up.

After that, I'm going to do a push to invite clusters of people who I'm especially excited about being here. I'll probably reach out to y'all for names of people who are cruxy for your active enjoyment/participation here (feel free to preemptively message me about this!).

Anybody can invite their friends, btw, though I would slightly prefer you held off for now, because I want to be strategic about the launch.

I might do some kind of incentive / costly-signaling scheme where I give $20 or so to the first 30 people who share a substantive post here, and not on other social media? Or something; Not sure about that yet.