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Proposed fun / slightly edgy party game: Perzendo

Materials: index cards and a pencil, or a google doc.

One player is the perzendo master. This perzendo master writes the names of two people in the room, in a list sorted by some secret property.

The other players take turns. On each turn, a player either proposes a name (of any human, living or dead), or tries to guess the property. The perzendo master puts these names on the list, wherever they fall according to the secret property.

The first player to guess the rule correctly wins.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

wouldn't the master quite often not know where they fall on the list? or does the property have to be something like "how much I personally want to ask them what's wrong with them" so that there's an answer even for people you've never heard of (presumably, not very much)
in reply to Ben Millwood

Yeah I think you either have to have an "I don't know" bucket, or it has to somehow be always up to the master's impression.