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I've never heard of a financial advisor that will draw a rough curve of the client's utility as a function of money and then make investment recommendations on that basis -- which is pretty insane given how basic that should be. (I'm sure they sorta kinda do it implicitly but it's probably not very good)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Muting tags?

Is it possible to mute tags so I don't see any posts with that tag?
in reply to Daniel Ziegler

It should be in the sidebar on the left, or on mobile you have to click some chevrons in the top left corner

RIP Inkscape

I recently installed Inkscape in order to make anSVGs for a puzzle hunt... and managed to crash it in less than 10 seconds just by somewhat rapidly clicking/dragging around to try to start drawing. Some Googling seems to confirm it's pretty unstable now; seems like it's not really usable anymore.

(I ended up just generating the SVG programmatically using Python shapely + matplotlib, which was better for my purposes anyway)