Just realized I've been paying for my old group house's internet for almost three years. I'm out $3000, since there's no way I'm asking them to pay me back all of that; it's my responsibility to look at my own bank statements. Honestly relieved my burn rate will drop, but also I really need to pay better attention to my account statements.
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in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •kip
in reply to kip • •Amber Dawn
in reply to kip • •I'm torn because a surprise $3000 is a lot to ask people, but also, equally, did *they* never get together and be like '...who is currently paying for our Internet?'
(I guess maybe everyone assumed that some other current housemate was paying. But don't people share expenses like this?)
Ben Weinstein-Raun likes this.
Ben Weinstein-Raun
in reply to Amber Dawn • •Gina Stuessy
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •Ben Weinstein-Raun
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •Ben Millwood
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •if $3000 is too much to ask them to pay you back, surely they should at least pay you the maximal amount that isn't too much :P
minimally you could be like "I don't think it's fair for me to charge you the full amount but if you could think about what seems affordable / reasonable to you and pay me that I would be grateful"
although tbh I think it kind of is fair to at least suggest they might pay the full amount, even if you don't want to insist on it
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Daniel Filan, Ben Weinstein-Raun and Daniel Ziegler like this.
Ben Millwood
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun • •like this
Ben Weinstein-Raun and Amber Dawn like this.