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Kopia as encrypted backup provider?

Anyone have takes? Things I want:
- Encrypted backups, on my external hard drive + backblaze b2 (seems like it checks this box)
- Basically a reliable operation that's going to continue to exist, fix bugs, etc.
- Works nicely when people try to restore from backups.

Their website

in reply to Daniel Filan

I've been using restic (with B2) for ~6 years with no hiccups, including restoring in anger once (i.e. my local drives died). Kopia is newer and less popular; I don't see much reason to use it over restic unless there's some specific feature you want, though I also don't know of any particular reason not to use it.

(Restic's crypto has been informally reviewed by a cryptographer, who concluded he'd use it for his own backups; no idea what the state of Kopia's crypto is.)

in reply to Daniel Filan

I did not on purpose do the thing where you confidently say a wrong answer to get people to tell you the right answer but I'm glad that effect seems to have worked in my favour.

in reply to Daniel Filan

I have a vague sense that this is satirizing something specific that I haven't read.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

@Ben Weinstein-Raun some combo of "our mathematical universe", fractals, string theory, and sabine hossenfelder. Basically just making fun of theoretical physics popularization.

SEP 22, 2024 (C)


1:11 sec
1/8 tries
9 moves

in reply to Daniel Filan

Also note that it's very easy to by-pass your set number of 'lives', in fact i have done this by accident.
in reply to Daniel Filan

oh finally

note that I actually took way more tries to get this result

SEP 22, 2024 (E)


14:54 sec
6/8 tries
28 moves

It's weird that candidates' use of alcohol isn't more of a campaign issue. I mean I guess it's not weird because most people drink alcohol and don't like the idea of implicitly being judged for doing so. But all else equal, it really seems like it would probably be better if the leader of the free world largely refrained from intoxication.
in reply to Daniel Filan

I feel like this probably wouldn't affect my vote in a Presidential election, but I could totally imagine it affecting who I would vote for in a primary.
in reply to Daniel Filan

I wonder if it's just a thing that Republicans are more likely to abstain. Seems so based on Presidential candidates since 2000 but that's a small sample size.

Casimiro Sainz y Saiz

Ma petite clairère cachée / My little hidden clearing

found here

- Marcus Aurelius
- "Saint" Augustine of Hippo (are the haters Eastern Orthodox or atheist?)
- Cleopatra

- Justinian I (who dislikes that guy?)
- Cicero

in reply to Daniel Filan

Cicero adapted the arguments of the chief schools of Hellenistic philosophy in Latin and created a large amount of Latin philosophical vocabulary via lexical innovation (e.g. neologisms such as evidentia, generator, humanitas, infinitio, qualitas, quantitas), almost 150 of which were the result of translating Greek philosophical terms.

In this house we respect lexical innovators (except for my irrational (?) dislike of the Lightcone Hyphen).

So the UK progress people have put out a new report about how it would be good if investment and building things were legal. And it's all good, and it makes sense that they're writing it, but I don't feel super hopeful. Maybe this is one of those things like Sonja Trauss founding SFBARF and hopefully 5 years later something comes of it?

Elliot Thornley, Divia Eden, and I talk about coherence theorems


I think it was a fun convo! A thing I like to do when I listen to podcasts with people I know is send people messages about what I'm listening to. If you're like me in that regard, maybe you'd like to leave comments here about things, and I can respond to them.

in reply to Daniel Filan

I would say disable it. Plugins should pay metaphorical rent :)

in reply to Daniel Filan

Here's a pedantic remark to make my first contribution on this website: These appear to be arthropods, rather than fish. The first appears to depict a lobster or crayfish, the second and third pictures appear to depict horseshoe crabs, and the fourth picture is unrecognizable to my eye. Fish are considered to constitute all vertebrates minus the tetrapods, whereas arthropods are invertebrates, and a type of protostome.

Doctrine of the Mean trutherism

Doctrine of the Mean is a Confucian text. It's pretty cool IMO. Anyway Wikipedia claims that "The authorship of The Doctrine of the Mean is controversial." But I think I've figured it out, and the implications are immense.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Cool picture

Allegedly by Ishimura Masayuki, according to twitter user marysia_cc
#art art
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Translate things

Sometimes people are like "noooooooo I can't just translate Tian as Heaven or Dao as Way or junzi as gentleman, the terms have slightly different connotations and are used by this writer in a sort of distinct way". Nah. Writers in English use common terms idiosyncratically all the time. If you're worried we'll misunderstand, put an asterisk the first place the terms are used and refer us to a glossary. In the meantime, the reader will have a better understanding of what the terms mean.

In general I think we should translate more things so that you can understand what people are saying. E.g. "Hamas" is just short for "the Islamic Resistance Movement", call them that or the IRM if you want to save space. Most English speakers don't speak foreign languages, and it's important to be comprehensible!

in reply to Daniel Filan

I disagree...? Why not just include more foreign words in our vocab? It works pretty well, and English is already known for doing it.
in reply to renshin

In these cases I don't think they meaningfully add richness to the vocab, they're just covering space for which we already have words. Or if they are meant to mean something importantly different, I'm not getting that anyway.
in reply to Daniel Filan

i dont know words like junzi or Tian. With Dao I think we should use Dao. But shrug.

If this were about Buddhist terms I'd have more specific things to say.

But my sense of English is that it just doesn't even act like these other languages in very relevant ways. Pali/Sanskrit is super different as a language, for instance, and so you just can't translate the words into English without losing ~70% of the background meaning and connotation.

in reply to renshin

Yeah I think it depends on the topic for sure. And probably people who are specialists should use the original term. At the same time, one thing I worry about is: there's some instinct that like 70% of the meaning/connotation gets lost in translation. But do you really retain that meaning when you don't translate? Like presumably you're going to use some Pali/Sanskrit term that I won't immediately understand and tell me what it means, right? If so, couldn't you also just use an English term and tell me what it means? I think this doesn't work for terms that cross concepts in English (like 'dharma' kind of does), but does work for words that are close enough to an English equivalent.
in reply to Daniel Filan

oh i see.

yes i agree that context is important.

if you're just a casual audience, then i should use an English phrase in the conversation so you know what i'm saying at all.

in reply to Daniel Filan

So you're saying people should write more like official subs and not fan subs…

(I have never watched a fan sub but I have observed the urge of people who are really into a hobby using obscure language because they care too much about capturing nuances)

I can't do polls here so FYI I have a few polls about the {sun, moon} x {dog, cat} personality typing system on my twitter profile:

in reply to Daniel Filan

Is Friendica open source and is this the sort of thing an enterprising person could fix? (Also, is this the sort of thing gpt 01 could just... figure out?)

Any good art accounts I should follow here in the fediverse? I'm thinking of things like the following:

Maybe you're not supposed to say this in public, but I feel like if Islamist terrorists were serious they'd also threaten people with death for depicting Jesus.
in reply to Daniel Filan

I think the different response is related to different inferences about the intent of the artist. That is, they know that Christians like to depict Jesus as part of their religion, and this doesn't bug them to much. But they think that the only reason to depict Muhammad is to insult their religion, so they take it as a deliberate insult.
in reply to Guive

Sure but it communicates that the thing they care about is being insulted, rather than ensuring that people follow God's commandments. Which is sort of a weak and embarrassing stance.
in reply to Daniel Filan

(1) There's some truth to this. Violent islamists are on average, worse than most people in various ways.

(2) But also, they may see it more as a direct insult to God as opposed to an insult to them personally or their human social group. Compare their stance towards practicing Christians and Muslim apostates. Both groups go to hell, on the conventional conservative Muslim understanding. But they are much more bothered by apostates.

in reply to Daniel Filan

I agree that terrorists are in some sense not serious and tbh I think it's for the best

or rather, second best, behind "not being terrorists"

I feel like the "introvert/extravert" axis bundles (at least) 3 things together in a kind of unhelpful way:
- low vs high need to socialize
- low vs high gregariousness
- low vs high desire to talk to people you don't know

These are sort of related, but I feel like usually when I hear people talk about extraversion or introversion they would usually be better served by appealing to a sub-factor rather than the bundle.

in reply to Daniel Filan

Yeah, this seems true. How do you define 'gregarious' separately from the other things?

Other dimensions could be related to social anxiety, awkwardness, and/or masking. A lot of the time when I "don't want to talk to people" or it drains my energy to do so, it's because I feel uncomfortable in the situation, rather than because there's something I inherently dislike/find tiring about talking to people.

in reply to Amber Dawn

@Amber Dawn by "gregarious" I'm trying to say something like "tendency to socialize / talk a lot / more than you 'need to'". So "feel bad if you don't socialize" vs "feel good if you socialize a lot".

Free Manifold alpha

In this market about how many episodes of AXRP I'll publish in 2024, there's an 11% chance I'll publish less than 9, the number I have published so far.…

(The motivation of the market was to test whether I'd succeed in publishing a ton - in fact, I've been down an editor for a bit which slowed me down, as did having a real job, but I still think I'll beat my all-time record of 10 episodes in 2022)

in reply to Daniel Filan

For more AXRP markets:
- How many episodes I'll release in 2025:…
- How many YouTube views my peak episode will get in 2025:…

"Coherence theorems"