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Post for collecting bugs reported on this friendica instance

People have reported several bugs. I'm going to add them as comments on this post, so that I can keep track of them along with e.g. mitigations.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

When I try to add people, it says 'network not ?recognized?, contact couldn't be added'. I'm not sure whether it in fact did or didn't invite them - I've asked my invitees to let me know.
in reply to Amber Dawn

Hm, I suspect you were using the "Add new contact" box, which isn't actually inviting people via email, but is trying to add them from other fediverse instances. The thing you want to click is "Invite Friends"
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

I tried to edit an event I made, but all that happened when I clicked edit was the whole page went darker (as if for a modal) but there was no modal.

I just followed a bunch of accounts that I had been following on Mastodon. I'm curious if this changed other local users' experience of the instance, and if so how much. Do those people show up on your network page? on your global community page?
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Hosting providers

Right now is hosted on a Vultr VPS instance. I use Vultr because it's a decently reliable VPS host that offers OpenBSD (though this instance is running in Docker on a Debian system). Much cheaper than AWS; comparable pricing and features with many other VPS providers.

But I just went looking at the prices of competitors, and Hetzner is cheap. How is it so cheap? For roughly the same price I'm paying for this host, I could get ~8x the vCPUs and RAM, and 4x the storage.

It would be a hassle to migrate at this point, but I'm definitely tempted.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Everything I've heard about Hetzner has been great. It seems like their strategy is to build their own servers and seriously compete on price. My guess is that they'll eventually raise prices, but probably still be cheaper than average.

Notes on the outcome of groups experiment

I think groups are a pretty half-baked feature, and I don't expect people to use them much. A "group" (previously called a "forum", and most of the documentation hasn't been updated to reflect this change) is basically an account that auto-reshares things it's tagged in. You can give it a few different settings for how it responds to follow requests, and another setting for the visibility of its reshares. To administer a group, you have to create a second account for it (which friendica does make relatively easy but not trivial), and then switch to being logged-in "as" the group.

So, yeah I guess it might be useful for coordinating things somehow, and the setting with private reshares is maybe promising (though also marked "experimental"). But it seems much less natural to me than the corresponding concept on Facebook.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Ah, alas! I think one of the key features of a [facebook] group is that it's styled differently, so you always know when you're reading or posting something "inside" a group. That can give you an instantaneous confidence that you're not messing it up by posting it publicly. If friendica groups are just regular posts with a tag + settings, then I think they wouldn't give people that feeling of confidence.

The plan for the beta

Thanks to everyone who's joined to help beta test! I'm very grateful y'all are here! ❤️

My basic plan is to use for the next week, posting here instead of Facebook, getting a sense of the platform so that I can help other people later, and trying to iron out basic issues if they crop up.

After that, I'm going to do a push to invite clusters of people who I'm especially excited about being here. I'll probably reach out to y'all for names of people who are cruxy for your active enjoyment/participation here (feel free to preemptively message me about this!).

Anybody can invite their friends, btw, though I would slightly prefer you held off for now, because I want to be strategic about the launch.

I might do some kind of incentive / costly-signaling scheme where I give $20 or so to the first 30 people who share a substantive post here, and not on other social media? Or something; Not sure about that yet.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

kip reshared this.

I'm really excited for this experiment! Friendica exceeds my expectations in some ways (looks nice, has imo an especially good privacy model, seems easy to update and administer) and falls short in others (ease of finding people, occasional UI weirdness).

Please let me know if you run into any issues and I'll try to fix them or at least help resolve them

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Sure! Yeah overall I'm very enthusiastic about this project. Admittedly there are a concerning number bugs and questionable design choices with Frendica, but I'm not familiar with alternatives. (Also, I don't have a good sense of what is fixable/configurable.)
in reply to Sam FM

Cool, thanks! I looked into several alternatives before choosing Friendica. The thing that comes closest is diaspora*, but I tried it and liked it less, and anyway it seemed a lot harder to host.