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Camino Day 4 & 5

Castelo do Neiva to Carreço and Carreço to Seixas. Both 22km stages.

As I've gotten farther from Porto the towns have gotten smaller and more of the route had consisted of forest paths and walled alleys, typically routing into town whenever there's a Big Old Church to get a stamp at

The past two days I've been traveling with other solo women that I met on the road, one from the UK and the other from Lithuania, both friendly and enthusiastic. B, who I spent both days with, was excited to learn it was my birthday and told everyone we ran into at the hostel (something I wouldn't have done myself). A big group of us went out for dinner and everyone sang happy birthday in their native language.

I've enjoyed the sense of community among the pilgrims; the one thing everyone has in common is that we're all on a Big Adventure.

Note: You can invite people to this instance if you'd like! Please only invite people you trust to be kind, friendly, and reasonable. Especially only invite people you're sure are human.

To invite someone, go to your "contacts" page and click on "invite friends" in the left sidebar. You'll need their email address.

You can invite arbitrary numbers of non-asshole people! In fact at this point I'm excited about it! There's some chance that if my server becomes way overloaded I might have to impose restrictions on invites or start asking for donations, but for now go crazy.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Am I able to private message people on this website / instance / server / thing?
in reply to Daniel Filan

Yes, you can either use the DMs feature (which is sadly very limited) or tag them in posts that only they can see.

Seeking non-fiction recommendations

in reply to Amber Dawn

I'm a big fan of the "Very Short Introduction" series, whose books are ~200 page books giving an overview of some topic. Topics include global economic history, Islamic finance, democracy, schizophrenia, the second Vatican council, amphibians, and ancient Egyptian art and architecture.
in reply to Daniel Filan

I've read some of those in the past, but I could check out some more!
in reply to Amber Dawn

Me to my partner, after complaining about doing something that I mildly regretted:

"Oh well, I guess I have to have *some* flaws, or I wouldn't be relatable"

Incidentally, is tagging a thing here?

in reply to Amber Dawn

when I type @ and start typing a name it suggests people to tag

latest solution to corporate malfeasance: build a giant magnet so you can yank your executives out when they're causing trouble

Is anyone using a mobile app (I'm on Android, but curious either way) to access this thing, rather than the browser experience? Though tbh I don't remember why I use the Facebook app instead of the website. It can't be push notifications because I've turned them all off.
in reply to Sam FM

I've done this but it looks ugly:

Apparently this can be controlled with some shenanigans, see StackOverflow. I don't know if that's within the power of @Ben Weinstein-Raun to control?

in reply to Ben Millwood

I think it's technically within my power, since I could go in and directly edit the template, but I'm hesitant to do so since it might result in trickier updates in the future.

in reply to Rick Korzekwa

Good God, that example tier list on Wikipedia is awful. Apples are S and strawberries are F???

Camino Day 3

Shorter day today. Walked 18km from Apulia to Castelo de Neiva.

Still spending the majority of the day in or near towns but the towns are getting smaller with stretches of greenery in between

Do y'all remember that princeton election guy who forecast a win for Clinton with 99% in 2016? I just found a post-mortem interview with him where he says:

Probabilities are not a good way to convey uncertainty. The first reason being that it’s hard to estimate the true amount of uncertainty, and I discovered that.

I... have never before felt such a strong urge to say "skill issue". But people weren't saying "skill issue" yet in 2016, so nobody got the chance. Time is cruel.…

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Sam Wang and Nate Silver had an interesting back-and-forth, if I remember correctly. A friend of mine was convinced that Sam was right and that Nate was “putting his thumb on the scale to cover himself.”

In hindsight, it seems to me that Sam’s approach was more of a straightforward averaging of polls, while Nate’s method is more like a gambler’s—integrating his own beliefs into the model.

Camino Day 2

Today was more coastal boardwalks, then through a mid-size city, then more coastal boardwalks, then some back roads in farm country. The albergue that I planned to stay at filled up by 3pm and I ended waling an additional 8km, making this a 28km day in total from Labruge to Apulia.

I'm second guessing some of my decisions. I stuck with the coastal route today (meaning I'm committed for the next couple of days) but I had the opportunity to take a more inland route and now I wonder if that would have been more "nature-y". I could have stopped in the city and saved my legs. I could have gotten more stamps if I had planned differently, etc.

Tomorrow will be a shorter day so I can recover. My host says it's easier to find albergues between here and the Spanish border

in reply to Jen Blight

Are you communicating mostly in Spanish/Portuguese? Or do people know some English?
in reply to Jen Blight

People in Lisbon and Porto mostly knew English and the albergue hosts so far have used English. Some of the people in the towns I'm going through only speak Portuguese and it's not similar enough to either French or Spanish for me to understand so there are interactions that consist entirely of Gesture and Context Clues

I might be better off taking portraits at events

in reply to kip

I've definitely heard people express the opposite opinion, that they have a harder time with event photography than portrait photography. So if you're good at event photography that seems like a valuable skill.

I'm wondering if the slow death of my social networks has atrophied my habits for posting/content creation.

What is an "agent"?

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Okay, so if these complex systems like weather and biology are theoretically best described by some ideal set of policies, then would these complex systems, even the stable self-replicating ones be considered non-agentic?

I struggling to see the fundamental difference between a fire that is hungrily eats all the wood in the pile, and me, a person that a hungrily eats all the snacks in the pantry. Unless we're considering some ineffable free well, I mostly see the difference that my systems are much more complex and illegible, making it hard to map out the full causal chain from the biochemistry in my psychology to my hands reaching for a bag of chips.

Combustion is much simpler, but from some all-knowing perspective, they're both self-sustaining chain reactions of chemistry.

in reply to Sam FM

I think fire is actually fairly agentic; e.g. modeling fire like you suggest will work better than modeling "will it rain tomorrow" as an agentic process in the way pre-scientific humans seem to. Like, rain dances and goat sacrifices don't work, but giving the fire more wood does work.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

I do think the fire is also much, much less agentic than the person eating snacks, and not primarily because of the complexity difference, but because it's much easier to understand the fire as a simple policy (i.e. describing a simple rule for exactly what it will do given a set of conditions) or as a system made of smaller parts (i.e. describing the chemical process). In some sense this is related to low complexity, but I think there are things that are easy to describe this way while still being very complicated, like a heavily obfuscated computer program that does something simple.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

How do tools differ from trading partners?

Is it that you model trading partners primarily as agents, and tools primarily as stimulus/response rules?
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

one relevant difference is that trading partners might optimise against you, while tools generally don't

Camino Day 1

Started from the Sé do Porto and walked as far as Labruge on the Sendo Litoral route for a total of ~24km. The route goes along the coast and is a mix of sidewalk and boardwalk. It was foggy throughout the morning and then cleared up in the afternoon but stayed cool all day. The coast was beautiful.

My feet hurt. I'm going to try to do a similar mileage tomorrow and hope I acclimate to walking

in reply to Jen Blight

Thanks! I've done longer individual days (including with more weight/altitude change) but this trip will be the longest total distance I've covered

Test post (message?)

Comment or like this message/post if you see it if you feel like it. This is a public message without a title. "This post will be shown to all your followers and can be seen in the community pages and by anyone with its link." I have no contacts (yet) and am learning how this works. API

in reply to Ben Millwood

@Ben Weinstein-Raun assuming you're on board with me using in this way, I might need you to create a consumer key / secret for me? I haven't been able to find docs on how to do this so far.
in reply to Ben Millwood

Yeah happy to try to do that! Once or twice when I was stumped I've found reading the Friendica source code surprisingly doable, if that helps
in reply to Ben Millwood

I just figured out OAuth and wrote my findings up on their wiki at…

I probably will integrate it with flexiprocity, but I'll probably take my time about it. I anticipate it being quite fiddly.

David Mears reshared this.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Just to check: are you open to people inviting arbitrary amounts of (non-asshole) people, or do you still want to be cautious/grow slowly/have limits on who's invited?
in reply to Amber Dawn

You can invite arbitrary numbers of non-asshole people! In fact at this point I'm excited about it! There's some chance that if my server becomes way overloaded I might have to impose restrictions on invites or start asking for donations, but for now go crazy.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

I'm guessing it's only because I have only 1 friend so far, but I have an empty feed, so I am discovering posts using the circular button in the navbar. It's a confusing interface!

> "The top left icon, with the rectangular grid, is the thing to click in order to see the "Facebook timeline" analogue

AI noise removal is still not that good

I end up with a lot of super-noisy photos because I do social dance photography. The light in the room is dim, and I need a fast shutter speed because people are moving quickly, so I'm letting in even less light. This is terrible for noise.

Unfortunately, it seems that the best AI noise removal tools are still not that good! I am surprised.

in reply to kip

I hear good things about Lightroom's denoise - do you have a way you could try that? The random online tools are often pretty far behind state of the art, if that's what you've tried so far.…

in reply to Kevin Gibbons

Oh cool! I can try Lightroom and this DxO thing (haven't heard of it). I think I may have already tried Photoshop's denoise feature -- maybe that's the same as whatever Lightroom is doing.

Topaz was what I tried in the screenshot. It seemed like it was supposed to be one of the best options, but I'm glad that top comment says it's actually far behind others

in reply to kip

Further attempts:

According to someone on the thread that Kevin linked, Topaz works better if you're using raw files instead of JPGs. Indeed, it does!

Not sure it's good enough that I'd actually want to use it. I'll think about it.

Looks like I did try de-noising in Lightroom already -- I cancelled my Adobe subscription so I can't redo it, but it's still on there when I open Lightroom. It's kind of impressive, but also still looks pretty unnatural in a lot of ways. (Some things too blurry, some things too crisp.) Looks like some poorly-stylized digital painting rather than a photo. (At least for the photo I tried. I can't share it because it's not a very flattering shot of the person pictured.)

Post for collecting bugs reported on this friendica instance

People have reported several bugs. I'm going to add them as comments on this post, so that I can keep track of them along with e.g. mitigations.
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

When I try to add people, it says 'network not ?recognized?, contact couldn't be added'. I'm not sure whether it in fact did or didn't invite them - I've asked my invitees to let me know.
in reply to Amber Dawn

Hm, I suspect you were using the "Add new contact" box, which isn't actually inviting people via email, but is trying to add them from other fediverse instances. The thing you want to click is "Invite Friends"
in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

I tried to edit an event I made, but all that happened when I clicked edit was the whole page went darker (as if for a modal) but there was no modal.

I just followed a bunch of accounts that I had been following on Mastodon. I'm curious if this changed other local users' experience of the instance, and if so how much. Do those people show up on your network page? on your global community page?

Are humans more powerful than rats?

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Reminds me of of the "you are bugs" scene in the three body problem.

> And as we go about changing the world to suit our preferences, the rats will remain unconsulted. It seems clear to me that rats will only get what they want, when what they want happens to be nearly-costless to humans.

This seems like it's making progress towards a formalization, though I think it still struggles.

If you imagine that covid virons were agents, then it seems to me that although there's a sense in which we're much more powerful than them, and you know, humanity could, if "it" wanted, defeat them, they can kinda get what they want without enormous costs to humans. And yet humans are still much more powerful than covid virons.

in reply to JP Addison

I'm not sure I understand the last paragraph; my guess is you're saying that covid virions are imposing large costs on humans to get what they want, and yet seem less powerful than humans; is that right?

Hosting providers

Right now is hosted on a Vultr VPS instance. I use Vultr because it's a decently reliable VPS host that offers OpenBSD (though this instance is running in Docker on a Debian system). Much cheaper than AWS; comparable pricing and features with many other VPS providers.

But I just went looking at the prices of competitors, and Hetzner is cheap. How is it so cheap? For roughly the same price I'm paying for this host, I could get ~8x the vCPUs and RAM, and 4x the storage.

It would be a hassle to migrate at this point, but I'm definitely tempted.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Everything I've heard about Hetzner has been great. It seems like their strategy is to build their own servers and seriously compete on price. My guess is that they'll eventually raise prices, but probably still be cheaper than average.

Notes on the outcome of groups experiment

I think groups are a pretty half-baked feature, and I don't expect people to use them much. A "group" (previously called a "forum", and most of the documentation hasn't been updated to reflect this change) is basically an account that auto-reshares things it's tagged in. You can give it a few different settings for how it responds to follow requests, and another setting for the visibility of its reshares. To administer a group, you have to create a second account for it (which friendica does make relatively easy but not trivial), and then switch to being logged-in "as" the group.

So, yeah I guess it might be useful for coordinating things somehow, and the setting with private reshares is maybe promising (though also marked "experimental"). But it seems much less natural to me than the corresponding concept on Facebook.

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

Ah, alas! I think one of the key features of a [facebook] group is that it's styled differently, so you always know when you're reading or posting something "inside" a group. That can give you an instantaneous confidence that you're not messing it up by posting it publicly. If friendica groups are just regular posts with a tag + settings, then I think they wouldn't give people that feeling of confidence.

Little known fact: Warhammer was invented by Portuguese Catholics

in reply to Ben Weinstein-Raun

@Jen Blight I probably wouldn't have shared this except that it reminded me again of your tile photos